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Everyday Blend Wild Bird Mix 2kg


Product Information

 Everyday Blend Wild Bird Mix 2kg



This is an ideal garden bird food mix that you can use all year round for summer and winter feeding. This blend has been created to support the nutritional needs of a wide variety of wild garden birds.

This bird food recipe includes high energy seeds that are easy for the birds to access, and the variety will attract birds from Robins and Blackbirds to Sparrows, Tits and Finches.

You can fill your bird feeders with this seed mix as a bird food for small garden birds to enjoy. It’s great for summer visitors like Blackcap, winter migrants like Siskin and Brambling, and year-round residents like Great Tits and Greenfinches.

Scatter this everyday blend mix on your bird table or on the floor for ground-feeding birds such as Dunnock, Song Thrush, Brambling and Wrens.


Mix Ratio of Every Batch:

Black Sunflower Seed 7.5%
Sunflower Hearts 5%
Green Pea Chips 5%
Wheat 34%
Safflower 1.5%
Cut Maize 26%
Red Millet 2%
White Dari 3%
Red Dari 12%
W Millet 4%


You will attract many different types of wild garden birds to your garden when offering this Everyday Blend Mix in bird feeders or just on a bird table, theses can include Song Thrush, Blackbirds, Blue Tit, Linnet, Chaffinch, Coal Tit, Collared Dove, Hawfinch, Dunnock, Waxwing, Goldfinch, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Great Tit, Greenfinch, Mistle Thrush, House Sparrow, Long-Tailed Tit, Nuthatch, Magpies, Brambling, Bullfinch, Robin, Whitethroats, Wrens,  Starling, Jays, Green Woodpeckers, Wood Pigeons and many more wild birds to your garden.



Product Code: EDBWBMIX

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